Monday, January 31, 2011

2011 Calendar

2011 Otieno Martial Arts School Calendar

22nd - OMAC school tournament

19th - Board Breaking
21st/22nd - Bring Friend to class day

12th - Belt Testing
19th - Board Breaking
25th - Belt Test make up exam
26th - MJA Karate tournament

9th - Board Breaking
29th - Parents night out

21st - Open House

4th - Belt Testing
6th/7th - Bring Friend to class day
18th - End of school year party and board Breaking
25th - Belt test make up exam

2,3,4 - School closed
16th - Otieno school tournament

12th - Parents night out
20th - Open house

10th - Belt Test
17th - Belt test Makeup exam
24th - Board Breaking

3rd/4th - Bring Friend to class day
8th - Parent meeting for Lowell tournament
22nd - Halloween Party

6th - Open Masters Championship (tentative date)
7th - Post championship party
19th - Board Breaking
24th Thanksgiving - school closed

3rd - Belt Testing
9th - Parents night out
13th - Xmas party
24th/25th - Xmas - School closed

Notice: Dates subject to change always check with the school.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


The school held its first mini-tournamnet this past Saturday. The purpose was to introduce the tournament environment to all students of the school. Although it was a internal-school only competition. it was run and operated just like a full blown sancitioned event. We had several parents who have been trained over the past several months to perform a judges. The events were judged on WTF rules. The event ran a bit over two hours. In the end winners were awarded trophies and everyone gained a useful experience. We plan on having another event in a few months. Congratulations to all trophy winners.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January Rank Testing

Congratulations to the students who tested on the Jan 15th rank test. All students passed and demonstrated their best work in going toward their next rank. The school now has 4 new Green belts. The next test is on the usual cycle which will be held on the first Saturday in March.